Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Louis really enjoyed his first Halloween! He mainly liked watching all the other kids. A kid in a scary mask came up, and he actually laughed. Go figure!

Friday, October 28, 2011

LSU and Pre-Halloween

Last weekend I went to Baton Rouge to stay with my good friend Alana and her husband Keith. They were married in April, and bought a new house right by campus. It is a great house. The best part is the adorable play house in the backyard. I wish I had taken pictures of the interior!

LSU played a great game vs. Auburn. It was awesome to be back in Tiger Stadium. We had great seats- right in the corner where all the action occured.

On Wednesday, we took Louis to the Y's Men's Halloween Party. Louis really enjoyed seeing all the other kids and playing with the balloons.

Andrew, Elizabeth, and Louis

The playhouse at Alana and Keith's for the sweet baby coming in April!

I can't wait for Trick or Treat Monday!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Yesterday, Louis turned 9 months old. I cannot believe it. Time is literally flying by. I know everyone says that, but it is so true. My good friend Jennifer had a baby a couple of weeks ago and he is so wonderful! When I look at him I almost can't remember Louis being that small. I'm a little scared to hold Jackson.
This month we have made some big steps in the baby world:
Louis is very mobile now. Not quite crawling, but he could beat you in a race scooting.
He can sit forever when you put him there, but on Thursday night he sat up alone! Rob and I like to think this was the first time because we were both there and saw it. But I have a feeling he is doing it at daycare too. He smiled and laughed because we were so excited!
He is getting on all fours and will probably be crawling soon.
He likes to do "headstands". He will put his head and hands on the ground and stand up with straight legs. He basically looks like an upside down V is the only way I can describe it. He thinks this is so fun and will bounce up and down in this position.
He is eating 3 meals a day now, and a nightime bottle.
The past 3 nights he has slept all night!!! Please, please keep this up. Of course time change is soon so who knows what will happen then...
He can hold his bottle. I think he could have done this much sooner, but I've been doing it for him. Oops.

A non-improvement:
Still no teeth. Not.Even.Close.

On Monday he had a check-up. Louis weighs 19 lb 12 oz and is 29 1/2 inches long.
He is in the 50% for weight and 75% for height. Tall and skinny. Go figure....

Have a great weekend!
So cute

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Photo Update

Louis goes to school

Look who can crawl/scoot!