Saturday, March 27, 2010

That's Life

No, I haven't planted anything new yet. But I am working on it. Not much else is new with life. Rob played in a golf tournament yesterday and my kids made GREAT grades on their benchmark tests. But most importantly Spring Break is only 4 working days away! I have 0 plans for the week and I could not be happier.

One of my kids told me yesterday he had a nickname for me. Because of other "nickname" incidents in my class I was afraid to ask. Don't worry- he told me anyway. He said my nickname is "AJ- it's your initials backwards! Isn't that funny?" The sad part- I laughed when he told me. I really need a break.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time for Spring Plants!

In the past few years, I have tried unsuccessfully to plant spring flowers and keep them alive. This year I have joined Garden Club, and I am DETERMINED to succeed. So, I looked through my recent Southern Living for tips of flowers to grow in this hot climate. Yes, it is hot. And yes, I love it (for now). I have decided to plant the following flowers:

'Azure Skies' heliotrope: Supposedly good for hot areas. And it's a perennial. This should last in my flower bed on the front porch.

For the big pot on the front porch I plan to mix verbena, petunias, and cuphea.

I will ask the people at the garden center for advice as well. Stay tuned for pictures of how everything turns out!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Moon

So...the DVD of New Moon came out last night. No, I did not go wait in line to buy it. But I fully intend to make the purchase today. Love it! I tried to resist the Twilight Fever for as long as possible. I finally gave in and read the first book two summers ago. Addicting. I did not accomplish anything while I read the remaining 3 books. The third movie, Eclipse, comes out this summer. I cannot wait. Rob on the other hand, could care less. I am sure that he will not be there. If you have not read these books, you must. Do not just see the movies. (Although New Moon is very true to the book).

On a side note- Has anyone else noticed how akward Edward is in these movies? I do not get it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quote of the Day

Out of the mouths of babes: "Mrs. Amborn, can we have a pet day in this class? I have a lot of cats that I would really like to bring." Um....what?

This image immediately popped into mind.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Is Here!

Happy (almost) Spring! I love love this beautiful weather! In honor of my most favorite season I bought a few new clothing items that I am very excited about. I will share them with you here in case you were looking to add to your wardrobe as well. First, I had to have skinny white jeans. I am pretty sure that I promised myself when I was younger that I would NEVER own white jeans. I lied. These are very cute. Thank you J. Crew!

(Those are my legs. ha)
Next, I bought a chambray shirt. Which is a fancy way of saying denim (whatever). Thanks again to J. Crew.

I also bought this cute top from Ann Taylor Loft. Apparently I like the rolled up and button sleeve look. I ordered the white one. I know, I'm plain.

On another note, today is St. Patrick's Day! While my kids were in music, Leprechauns made a mess of my room. You should have seen the kids. I would have taken pictures, but I was too busy "finding fingerprints" to catch the pranksters. I hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day as well!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Blog

A lot of my friends have blogs, and I have been wanting to start one. But I never thought my life was interesting enough. Today has changed my mind. When I was in college, and friend and I decided that I should write a book titled "I haven't been struck by lightning...yet". The reason for this title is because EVERYTHING always happens to me. Literally- everything. I am the person to get hit by a bike in the quad, a random biker has run into my car with their bike, I have fallen multiple times in front of 250 people in a get the point. Well, I had almost forgotten about that book until today, when an unexpected visitor was in my backyard. So I pull up to my newly fenced-in yard and this is what I see:

For real? Where did he even come from? I call a friend who does animal rescue to get some advice. By the time I get off the phone the dog/horse had DISAPPEARED! Where on earth could he have gone. We have a fence!! So then I come into my room and Kevin, our little dog, is laying on my bed on my clean, pressed clothes. Nice. I never thought I would say this, but thank goodness that Rob and I have Baxter, the "good" dog.

That is all. P.S.- Happy Birthday Rob!