Saturday, August 28, 2010

Finally, Some New Clothes!

Yesterday, my mom and I went to the new maternity store here in town (Good Mommy Maternity). It's right by Heavenly Ham in case you haven't seen it yet. I was a little skeptical to go in because you know the normal clothing situation in Vicksburg is not good. I was very pleasantly surprised! They had just put out some fall clothes, and they were really cute! Granted, I am no fashion plate, but I would tell all of my pregnant friends to go there. The man that owns the store is super nice too. He said that he has new stuff coming in all the time, and that the next batch of fall/winter stuff is priced really well. I didn't think the prices were bad at all yesterday, but of course I think that because my mom paid for it! So, if you are pregnant and need a cute dress/skirt/shirt, try it out before driving to Jackson.
P.S.- I found this really cute "strapless dress" that I wanted to buy to wear to a wedding. My mom kindly told me that it was a skirt and the "top" was actually supposed to go over the baby belly. Oops. I have much to learn!

Monday, August 23, 2010

And so we wait

Today, Rob and I went to another Dr. appointment. We were really, really hoping that we could find out the gender of the baby. No luck. We go back on September 20 and we can find out then! I am extremely impatient about everything, and this is no different. I was in the mindset that I didn't want to find out, but after Rob convinced me otherwise, I need to know now. Oh well- I guess at 20 weeks we still have plenty of time to plan a nursery. If we can't do that in 20 weeks, we have a problem.
On another note, our house is officially on the market! Don't ask us where we will move if we sell it. We are just putting it out there to see what happens. We really love our house and our area, but we would really like an additional bedroom. But, if we can't sell right now, we can for sure make it work. (At least until baby #2 comes along, which will be a long while!)
School is still going great! I love my sweet little class. They are so precious and they are so good! No behavior problems at all. They are super hard workers and they are very smart. I think this is going to be such a great year.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We Will Miss You Gran!

As some of you know, Rob's grandmother, Mrs. Amborn (Gran), passed away on Sunday. She was such a sweet and loving person. From the first time I met her when Rob and I started dating, she made me feel like a part of her family. I am so glad that I got the chance to know her over the past few years. She will be truly missed by everyone that knew her. Please keep Rob's family in yours prayers this week, and especially Saturday during her funeral.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Welcome Back!

School starts TODAY and I can't believe how fast the summer went. Here are the pictures of my 2nd grade classroom. Even though it's complete, it still is a little bare until I have student work to post!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Good Morning! First I want to say Happy Birthday to my Granny! I hope you have a great day!

On to the Bachelorette- it's over. Sad. What am I going to do with my 2 free hours on Monday nights? Last night's episode really bored me until the part where she broke up with Chris. Ali- you are so great to think outside the box and trick all the viewers. I must say, this really was "the most dramatic season finale yet" :)

I wonder what would have happened if Roberto had gone through his whole speech and then Ali told him that she was picking someone else? As if I needed a reason to never watch another season of this show- ABC gave me another one. They played the Lion King song. Really? Lame. I love Elton John and all, and I know they danced on stage to this. But don't you agree that a more meaningful song for the season would have been Kasey's Love Song? He could have come from the bushes to serenade the newly engaged couple. That may have given me a little faith in ABC to watch the next season (or at least an episode of The Bachelor Pad).

Since the title of this blog is "Over" I must also address that summer is over. Try not to feel too sad for me. I plan to take pictures of my room and post them sometime soon. We'll see if that happens.

Also, my sister had her wisdom teeth out yesterday (which most of you know is no fun). So pray that she feels better soon!

Have a great rest of the week!