Today is Louis's half birthday! It's hard to believe that he is already 6 months old. So sad :( Today, we started eating level two foods. I think he enjoyed his corn and squash mixture. We went to see Dr. Weiland and Shelly Monday. He now weighs 16 lbs 12 ounces. He is 27 1/4 inches. I cannot believe how much he has grown. Still in the 50th percentile for weight, but 75th percentile in height. Go figure. We are still working on the whole tooth thing. You would think that two months of solid drooling would do the trick but nope. Not even close. He is close to sitting up on his own though! Exciting! And...his feet now touch the ground in his walker. It's so cute to see him move backwards and wonder how in the world that just happened. Louis is still loving Elmo and any type of music. His favorite person is Rob. Boo...
Here is a picture from his half birthday party. We got him half of a cake. He ate a little icing. Do NOT tell Dr. Weiland. She would not approve of the sugar...
Celebrate LOVE
5 years ago
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