Saturday, July 24, 2010

Weekend Entertainment

For those of you with plenty of time to waste (like me for the next week) you may have already come across this website. For those of you who haven't, Enjoy! Go to the photos tab and click the Hall of Fame section for the best pictures. Here is my all time favorite photo from the site:

You know you want to go to the site now. Hahaha

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Frank the Tank

After watching last night's episode I think maybe Ali and Frank are perfect for each other. They are both paranoid. Seriously Ali? Did you really think that Chris or Roberto would reject your rose?

I love Chris L! She should so pick him. Don't get me wrong- Roberto is hot, but I still do not think they have anything other than a physical connection. And how cute was Chris when he pretended to be surprised by the fantasy suite? "There's a fantasy suite?!" Uh Chris, have you ever seen the show?

Can we go on and talk about next week? I cannot decide which guy I am most excited to see. Ok I lied, I can't wait for Kreepy's comeback. Last night I was hoping that he would snorkel up to the fantasy suite and stare through the glass floor. I was also hoping he would be waiting to jump Frank as he got back on the boat. That would have made for an interesting show.

I will NOT be watching the "Bachelor Pad", but high five to Weatherman for getting on the cast.

If I watched this religiously for the past months and Ali doesn't pick anyone I will not be a happy camper. I just feel it coming. She is such a liar about wanting to move to Mass. And Chris is a bigger liar for saying he would move from his family. Why would he even say that? And Roberto- I do not think Ali wants to be your stay at home wife unless you and your "smoking hot" bod stay at home with her.

Lastly, I am not going to lie. I would be excited if Kreepy became the next Bachelor. Can you even imagine the crazies on his season. Please ABC? Please?

Monday, July 19, 2010

What Dreams May Come

The past few weeks I have been having the craziest dreams. They are so vivid and they last forever! Last night I slept from 10-3, and I had the same dream the whole time. That is just not normal for me. Usually my dreams jump all around and make no sense. This was the dream that would not stop. When I went back to sleep, the dream continued. I wonder if being pregnant has anything to do with this? If so, the next 7 months or so will be interesting! I won't tell you about the dream because my mom reads this blog and she hates for me to tell her a step-by-step of my dreams. haha.

On another note- this coming weekend Rob and I are going to a wedding in Baton Rouge! Well it's right outside of Baton Rouge, but at least we will drive through! I haven't been down since last football season. So excited. The wedding will be at an old plantation, so I am sure it will be beautiful!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer is winding down. Three weeks. I'm still as pale as I was in May. Super. I guess a tan really wasn't in the plan this summer. I went up to my classroom yesterday to check things out after they waxed the floors. Big mistake. All of my things are in random piles around the room. I am also pretty sure that some things have been waxed to the floor. This happened last year and I had to get all new tiles the week before school started.
If you know me, you know that I am an organized person. This mess about did me in. It's going to be a long three weeks of organizing. On top of that, I am already stressed about finding a long term sub. I know it's not until February, but I can't help it. I'm a planner.

On a side note- if you drive past Mac's Gas on Belmont Street, please notice the man in the striped shirt on the side of the building. Not quite sure what he is up to, but it's interesting. I thought it was really funny until I went to church Sunday and Father Curley talked about the Good Samaritan in his homily. This made me feel bad that I drive past him daily and don't do anything to help him. Something will come to me. Until then, I can just pray for him.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jake + Vienna = Who cares?

Last night's episode of the Bachelorette was pretty uneventful. Poor Ty. I could have sworn I saw a clip of him at the beach in last week's preview. Guess not.
Now on to the important part of the show- Vienna and Jake. First of all, if you are surpised about how their relationship ended, we need to talk. Second, I don't really care why they broke up. The only part of the interview I liked was when Chris Harrison called Vienna out for continuing to live in LA. Hahaha. He caught you. Maybe Jake has gotten caught up in his new found fame. Who cares? I think Vienna was jealous that fame did not come her way as well. End of story. That is why they broke up.
That's all the time I will waste on that.

My favorite week of the summer is upon us- The Miss MS Pageant! Yes, I really do love it! This year I am a volunteer and I love that too. The show is going to be really great! If you can, you should go. The music is good and there are a lot of talented girls in the show this year. (Probably some untalented ones as well- and those are always fun to watch too).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rabbit Rabbit

Happy 1st of July! I can't wait for this weekend. I love the 4th. The only sad thing about July is that I only have a month until work. Boo.

Summer has been pretty good so far, except that it is like 500 degrees outside. Not fun. Eclipse made my summer even better last night. Even though it was my least favorite book of the 4, I still think they did a great job on the movie. I can't wait for the last one. I hear it is going to be a two part. I have one question- why on earth would you bring your 5 year old to Eclipse? Not a kid movie. There were a lot of kids there last night and I was shocked. Go see Toy Story 3. My poor friend Jennifer did NOT like the movie. She hasn't read the books and she kept asking me "Why don't they have normal conversations? I am so tired of this teen angst." Sorry Jen, this series is the epitome of teen angst. The only time Edward smiles is when he talks about killing Jacob. (By the way- I'm still team Edward.)

I also saw the preview for the "last" Harry Potter movie last night. I guess they have to drag that out too. It's two part as well. I'm sorry for all you Harry Potter fans out there- those movies annoy me. As do the books. I tried really hard to read the first one, it just wasn't going to happen. Same with the movie.