Happy 1st of July! I can't wait for this weekend. I love the 4th. The only sad thing about July is that I only have a month until work. Boo.
Summer has been pretty good so far, except that it is like 500 degrees outside. Not fun. Eclipse made my summer even better last night. Even though it was my least favorite book of the 4, I still think they did a great job on the movie. I can't wait for the last one. I hear it is going to be a two part. I have one question- why on earth would you bring your 5 year old to Eclipse? Not a kid movie. There were a lot of kids there last night and I was shocked. Go see Toy Story 3. My poor friend Jennifer did NOT like the movie. She hasn't read the books and she kept asking me "Why don't they have normal conversations? I am so tired of this teen angst." Sorry Jen, this series is the epitome of teen angst. The only time Edward smiles is when he talks about killing Jacob. (By the way- I'm still team Edward.)
I also saw the preview for the "last" Harry Potter movie last night. I guess they have to drag that out too. It's two part as well. I'm sorry for all you Harry Potter fans out there- those movies annoy me. As do the books. I tried really hard to read the first one, it just wasn't going to happen. Same with the movie.
Celebrate LOVE
5 years ago
I dont know why i noticed it so much more in this movie that they are all so freaking serious all the time. I know its all about vampires and werewolves, but if that is your everyday life, get used to it and slap a smile on.